On Tuesday we had our follow up visit with our orthopedic physician, Dr. Maples, who was extremely pleased with Donovan's progress and that he is doing very well. It is a response we are getting use to as friends and family see Donovan for the first time walking with his walker. Just like when he was two years old and using a walker, he motors around like nobodies business. Dr. Maples said that other than physical therapy, Donovan will not need any other procedures or casting for at least a year! Yeah!
Last night Emma had 7 girls for a sleep over birthday party, so the boys went into Rockford for ice cream and to walk around. I offered Donovan his wheel chair as it was the end of a day and he already had physical therapy and play time with his recreational therapist. But he would have none of it. He wanted his walker and we proceeded to from the car, to the ice cream shop, to the Rockford Dam and then back again. He keeps a good pace as we were with a dad his two sons that are friends with Carl and Donovan.
At the end of the night as I was putting Donovan back in the truck, I asked him if he had fun with his best friend Nicholas, and with a little bit of a sad voice no. Nicolas, Joseph and Carl didn't play with him. I asked him if he was just sad because he couldn't run around and climb as fast as the other boys, he said yes. So I said to him, well, if you keep working hard and practicing with his walker and his doctors (he calls his PT's doctors), someday he will be able to run and jump just like his friends.
His sad look changed immediately to his normal, joyous and most precious Donovan smile and with big hand and arm gestures, he said, "Yes and I'll go zoom, zoom zoom really fast and beat them"!
When Carl, Joseph and his best friend Nicholas returned from the bathroom, he called them to his door of the truck (he was in his car seat) and happily and proudly showed them his favorite animal, Froggy (who goes with Donovan everywhere), telling him all about Froggy and that he had fun with them.
That's our Donovan, Happy and Determined!
Donovan on his new bike
Thank you Mary Free Bed "Bikes for the Rest of Us"
Friday, June 27, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Our First Week Home
We've been home for a little over a week now and in some ways it feels like were never gone. Not to say that Donovan's life is exactly the same, obviously it is not, but all the kids have an amazing spirit and they have done incredibly well. Donovan quickly got back in the groove at home. He gets around the lower level of the house with his walker and is very comfortable and strong with most situations like sitting on his stool at the island, swimming in the bathtub, maneuvering across the yard, and building houses for froggy.
Emma and Carl have welcomed Donovan home with tons of love, lots of care, and the most precious "I missed you buddy" hugs. Of course, we're also right back into the many joys of three young kids occasionally tormenting each other but it's all good.
We're taking Donovan back to Mary Free Bed each day during the week to continue with his physical therapy. He continues to work hard, shows a ton of self determination, and we're grateful to have therapists that can cajole our four year old, strong willed, silly, Donovan.
Each time we're asked how Donovan is doing, it's easy to say "great"! He is happy, getting around, and accomplishes all that he wants. What is a bit harder to understand is how much he'll gain in the long run. His work is very much centered around strength training. He continues to drag his right foot a bit and turn it inward, which we expect until he's stronger. We're learning ways to motivate him to do a lot of what you would find in a Pilate's class... strengthening his hips and quads. We're helping him to set new patterns like bearing his weight back on his heels instead of on his toes. Much of this is assisted through his AFOs (braces) or Robot Boots as Donovan likes to call them. They force him to place his feet flat on the ground and help prevent him from going back to old positions. The AFOs are important to Donovan's rehab. They were custom fit for him but require an amount of tweaking and work before we know they are truly helping and not hindering him. It's a continuous process of observation and inquiry. We're seeing his neurologist and orthopedic surgeon this week and are looking forward to hearing their comments on his progress.
As we left Donovan's stay at Mary Free Bed, we kicked off his homecoming celebration with
Carl's adventure at Fifth Third Ballpark. Along with his T-Ball team, Carl got to enjoy the game and even get down on the field for an entertaining between inning moment of cow tipping (two elementary aged kids blind-folded and set out on the field to find the guy in the cow costume by listening for the ringing bell). Carl wasn't quite a happy guy as he felt cheated by the fact that he never heard the bell but being on the field and with the players was quite a moment for him.
Emma and Carl have welcomed Donovan home with tons of love, lots of care, and the most precious "I missed you buddy" hugs. Of course, we're also right back into the many joys of three young kids occasionally tormenting each other but it's all good.
We're taking Donovan back to Mary Free Bed each day during the week to continue with his physical therapy. He continues to work hard, shows a ton of self determination, and we're grateful to have therapists that can cajole our four year old, strong willed, silly, Donovan.
Each time we're asked how Donovan is doing, it's easy to say "great"! He is happy, getting around, and accomplishes all that he wants. What is a bit harder to understand is how much he'll gain in the long run. His work is very much centered around strength training. He continues to drag his right foot a bit and turn it inward, which we expect until he's stronger. We're learning ways to motivate him to do a lot of what you would find in a Pilate's class... strengthening his hips and quads. We're helping him to set new patterns like bearing his weight back on his heels instead of on his toes. Much of this is assisted through his AFOs (braces) or Robot Boots as Donovan likes to call them. They force him to place his feet flat on the ground and help prevent him from going back to old positions. The AFOs are important to Donovan's rehab. They were custom fit for him but require an amount of tweaking and work before we know they are truly helping and not hindering him. It's a continuous process of observation and inquiry. We're seeing his neurologist and orthopedic surgeon this week and are looking forward to hearing their comments on his progress.
As we left Donovan's stay at Mary Free Bed, we kicked off his homecoming celebration with

Thursday, June 12, 2008
We're Going Home!

We can't thank the staff here at Mary Free Bed enough for what they have given us and Donovan this past month. Their kindness, understanding, extra - extra

A few special thanks to the staff here that worked the most with Donovan. Physical Therapy: Joe, Star, and Mitch: Occupational Therapy: Daniella: Recreational Therapy: Christy, Deb and Emily: The Nurses: Deb, Katie, Corey, Tahaney, Mary,and Diane. Also, we want to thank Jackie (Dir. In Patient Therapy) Betty

On the home front, again we can't begin to thank our family, friends and parents of our kids friends enough for all their support, dinners, phone calls, emails and daycare (disguised as play dates). The Shook family (Carl's home away from home), the Sines family (Emma's home away from home), the Merchant's, the

Thank you all very much!
Donovan will take Friday and the weekend off, but then on Monday it is back to work with 45 minutes of outpatient therapy five days a week (Monday through Friday), and lots of stretching and therapy at home with Mom and Dad, not to mention, constant play with Carl and Emma!
This blog will continue so as they say in the comic books, until next time, stay tuned to the journey and adventures of "Donovan, licensed to charm".
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Another Week of Impressive Results
Donovan continues to improve and impress with his quite determination. Ok, sometimes not so quite. Today, after his last therapy session, the therapist wanted Donovan to use the walker, and walk from the therapy room to his room. About 40 feet or so. When she went to put on the support strap around his waist to aid him and keep him in check, he loudly and stubbornly said "No, do it myself"!
The poor therapist didn't know what to do (her first time with our guy) other than let him go. I came out of Donovan's hospital room when he had about 10 feet left and he proudly exclaimed "look at me dad, all by myself"! and cruised right by me into the room asking to watch a Dora Video. Like I said, impressive determination and stubborn to the core, when he chooses to be.
Yesterday, he wanted to play pac-man, so his therapist said he had to walk, un-assisted, in order to earn his time on pac-man. He stubbled a couple of times then took seven steps without anyone touching him. Then, he got that Winston Churchill look to him and on his second try, went 15 steps, and exclaimed,"Daddy, all by myself"!
The poor therapist didn't know what to do (her first time with our guy) other than let him go. I came out of Donovan's hospital room when he had about 10 feet left and he proudly exclaimed "look at me dad, all by myself"! and cruised right by me into the room asking to watch a Dora Video. Like I said, impressive determination and stubborn to the core, when he chooses to be.
Yesterday, he wanted to play pac-man, so his therapist said he had to walk, un-assisted, in order to earn his time on pac-man. He stubbled a couple of times then took seven steps without anyone touching him. Then, he got that Winston Churchill look to him and on his second try, went 15 steps, and exclaimed,"Daddy, all by myself"!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
More Highlights from the Week

Weekend Update - Not SNL
Well all continues to progress well. We haven't been posting much as the days melt into one another and a routine has taken over. Donovan progresses each day and can stand independently while a therapist steadies him and corrects his stance. He likes doing this while playing pack-man and while he continues to beat dad at air hockey.
Yesterday, while only holding dads hand and with the therapist holding a safety strap around Donovan's waist, we walked from the play room to the coffee room and back (a good walk). No Walker! At one point he let go of dad's hand an held the railing that lines all the hallways here.
Donovan continues to work hard and assert himself, as he gets more comfortable, brave and a little spoiled from all the attention. He is learning to manuver his wheel chair on his own and his days are filled with therapy, puzzles, play-doh, Thomas videos, Thomas trains and tracks, walks around the outside paths, pac-man, hockey, building homes with blocks for Puppy, Monkey, Froggie (a new member of the family), Coffee (a new build-a-bear member of the family), Elephant, Reindeer, Rabbit, Tang (the orangutan), and of course Big Duck.
Last night Aaron (the first boy to have Donovan's procedure done in GR) and his family visited us for a pizza dinner and play time. We had a wonderful time and the kids got along very well. The parents talked and talked until long into the evening comparing notes and discussing Aaron's and Donovan's progress and experiences. Aaron's family is very nice and plans for play dates ensued.
Emma and Carl are doing great with Mom being at the hospital all week and Dad their on weekends. We continue to be grateful for all our the help we are receiving and for every ones thoughts and prayers.
Yesterday, while only holding dads hand and with the therapist holding a safety strap around Donovan's waist, we walked from the play room to the coffee room and back (a good walk). No Walker! At one point he let go of dad's hand an held the railing that lines all the hallways here.
Donovan continues to work hard and assert himself, as he gets more comfortable, brave and a little spoiled from all the attention. He is learning to manuver his wheel chair on his own and his days are filled with therapy, puzzles, play-doh, Thomas videos, Thomas trains and tracks, walks around the outside paths, pac-man, hockey, building homes with blocks for Puppy, Monkey, Froggie (a new member of the family), Coffee (a new build-a-bear member of the family), Elephant, Reindeer, Rabbit, Tang (the orangutan), and of course Big Duck.
Last night Aaron (the first boy to have Donovan's procedure done in GR) and his family visited us for a pizza dinner and play time. We had a wonderful time and the kids got along very well. The parents talked and talked until long into the evening comparing notes and discussing Aaron's and Donovan's progress and experiences. Aaron's family is very nice and plans for play dates ensued.
Emma and Carl are doing great with Mom being at the hospital all week and Dad their on weekends. We continue to be grateful for all our the help we are receiving and for every ones thoughts and prayers.
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