Phase three begins.....
Yesterday, no wait, Tuesday, 2 days ago, we had Donovan's final check up with Dr. Forness and all went great! His bones are healing very well (xrays looked great) and after removing the knee immobilizers, he was ready to check into Mary Free Bed to start Phase Three of this chapter of the journey!
So we (Bridget) had everything packed and ready for the short drive from the doc's office to MFB. We got into his room and settled in for the next 7 weeks (we hope less). It was a little like a home coming to see the familiar faces from 4 years ago!
Joe, one of our favorites, starting working with him that day and then we got to see Donovan's favorite PT Star! He was very excited to see her! She evens speaks Spanish so they have their own private conversations (and he can practice)!
Donovan is working very hard and making wonderful progress. Yesterday, they actually had his doing knee bends to 90 degrees. The team here was in awe as this usually takes up to two weeks with this surgery! He takes after Papa Lassig for his recovery ability, tollerance to pain, and just plain determination to get OUT OF HERE! :) see picture below..
So we have settled into a new routine.... Bridget is staying with Donovan at MFB at nights and i hold down the home front and shuffle kids to school and activities. Emma is recovering from her broken foot (thanks to the neighbors trampoline and bouncing around with cousins) and Carl sprained his ankle this week at school.
Now all we need is an country and western song to go along with this!
90 degrees and progressing well... |