Donovan on his new bike

Donovan on his new bike
Thank you Mary Free Bed "Bikes for the Rest of Us"

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Phase Two- The hard part begins

As I think about what to share, all that comes to mind is exactly what I read on Gracie's blog about her first day of therapy; it was an emotional day.

It was exciting because Donovan did things we weren't sure he would be able to do this early, starting with sitting up for the first time. And it was heartbreaking because he was so frustrated not being able to do what he could just one week ago.

After his second physical therapy session (2nd of four today), he just wanted to stay where he was and play with... you got it, Thomas. Pounding his fists on the arms of his wheelchair because all he wanted was to sit on the floor and play at the train table. The problem... Donovan can't be out of his chair or bed yet without a therapist so that he won't overdo it. So we did our best to try to distract him.
It got better through the day as he gained strength, in what seemed to be right before our eyes.

He finished out his occupational therapy(also four sessions today) with a riveting game of air hockey between him and Carl. See how he's standing (with a little help)!

The week's catching up with all of us. Last night, I was surprised with a midnight visit to take Donovan's vitals. I must have been as abrupt as I felt when I said "can't it wait until the morning". I woke up this morning with a sign on the door saying "Do not take vitals before 6:30 am!" Something similar to "Do not feed the tigers"

Tonight I'm at home enjoying time with Emma and Carl while Steve is hanging with Donovan.

1 comment:

Ryan and Sandra said...

Way to go, Donovan!

Thanks, Bridget for the post. I've been checking all day and was so curious about his progress that I nearly called. (I didn't want to interrupt any therapy that might be going on...) It's great to see the photos. They help so much to see his progress.

(And GREAT socks. Hilarious!)

I wanted you to know that he was on my mind all day. I will pray for you all to get some good sleep tonight before the new day and week begin.
