Donovan's Journey
Welcome to Donovan's Journey. Here's to our fearless son and those he inspires.
Donovan on his new bike
Thank you Mary Free Bed "Bikes for the Rest of Us"
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Waiting in Prep? Wii Time! |
Slowing down from the meds..... Never Give Up Though! |
You can tell we are getting too use to these visits as this is the first posting and Donovan is already in surgery. This trip is our 2nd with Dr. Fornes, wonderful man and doctor, to remove the hardware from D's surgery 16 months ago.
In both hips......
As usual, D was his old self, up to the moment he fell asleep in OR, dancing (ok wiggling a little) as the Nurse tell's Donovan as he breathes in, he might feel like he is flying. I noticed that the tape they are using on his IV has balloons (D has loved balloons since early on and was his first word he verbalized) so somehow he said the word "slushy" (they are free here at the children's hospital, and on every floor, so we determine he will be a super hero, with a SB on his chest, signifying his Slushy Balloon Super Hero status as he flies across the land saving the world.
Next thing I know I'm taking off the gear and sitting in the waiting room, trying to get busy..... Thank God for blogs....
Random things...
Last night we started packing and preparing and Donovan's instructor from Church, Tim, who's son Drew has similar surgery this Friday, called because he wanted to talk with D and pray with him. So Bridget and Donovan faced time with them last night and the two kids were comparing scars over the using facetime!
Emma had crew last night and Donovan had an eye appointment, so the usual busy time so on the journey home Donovan asked if Emma and Carl could skip school and go with him to the hospital. So here we sit (Emma and Me) and here we pace (Bridget and Carl are walking around) waiting as I watch the Patient Board (D is #5549 and in surgery) while we wait.
Donovan wanted us to know that since he could not eat this morning that when his surgery is done he wants 10 pieces of pizza and 10 slushies (did i mention his fixation on slushies) because he was going to be very hungry when he woke up. The Children's hospital has a great pizza place in the lobby and Bridget brings the kids here occasionally because they like the pizza so much. Donovan made sure every nurse and doctor knew he was going to slushies and pizza.
As usual i'm always amazed at how brave and unfazed D is with all the poking, prodding and hospital stays we've been through. He does have his moments of concern and being scared, but Bridget patiently and wonderfully talks him through his fears, and reassures him all will be well. D is very lucky to have such a great Mom. Carl and Emma always chip in to comfort him and Carl usually does something goofy to get D to laugh, and the next thing you know they are back to their video games and all is normal.
Although I will say, he is very happy that this will be his last surgery. He had that patented D smile on his very drugged up face when we left for OR and Bridget told him last time! Good.... As we left the prep room for the OR, we asked him...
"who do you want to go to with you to the next room... Mom or Dad"? His response..."The Wii"!! with a big grin on his face. They had a Wii in the prep room and Carl and D were playing it. When we finally answered the question, again it was the original Donovan answer. "D" "A" "D"..... So I put on scrubs and off we went. He laughed his way all the to the OR "wwwweeeeeee" as the Nurse pushed his bed and I walked along side of him and the nurse made a reference to flying.....
When we entered the OR, they have a heated air mattress on the OR Table he thought was very cool. "Dad, can I have one for my bed at home".... When I said I would think about it, his response was... "bed at home, bed at home, bed at home....."
We moved him to the table and the Slushie Balloon super hero conversation ensued, and he smiled the whole time and trying to do his Donovan dance and giggling when someone said something funny, and then he was asleep.
Just heard, 2:23 and the one side is done already!!!! Wow only twenty minutes for the first side. Dr. Forness said normally 45 minutes to an hour... God is blessing us today....
Well, I'm signing off for now. Don't want to revisit my emotions from this morning when i woke up......
Last thought.... the staff here at the Children's Hospital is wonderful
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Home - One 3
It is hard to express the emotions as we headed to Bay Cliff to pick up Donovan. I had spent the week before away from Bridget, Carl and Emma. Emma was at a camp the same week so only Bridget, Carl and Buster were home. They met Ricky, Elliot and Emmit at Kendra's Fathers hunting lodge in the UP (our now second home) as Kendra volunteered to drive the Johnson boys there so they could be part of the Donovan capture.
We met at the Thunder Bay Inn after Bridget picked up Emma at Camp. It was good seeing everyone pile out of the Suburban as we met to coordinate our pickup. Everyone was excited to be together, and to share in this experience. I was very at peace after a wonderful drive the night before and cool experience with the staff the the Inn. Reality quickly kicked in as Emma and Carl started bickering and Buster (on a new dog food diet) made a significant deposit on the lawn I had to pick up with a plastic garbage bag. Gives a whole new meaning to the the question paper or plastic....
With no garbage can in site, I put the "Buster Gift" in the trunk of the car and we headed to Bay Cliff. As we drove through check in and we got our number 69, we found out later that people were lining up at 6am so they could be first in when they opened the doors at 10am. Hence the large number even though we arrived at 10:30.
We got ourselves organized and walked through the gates with much anticipation and very squirrely kids. When we arrived at the welcome center, we learned that they called your number and you went through a check out process. Once complete, they announced the campers name to "come on down" to meet the parents. Well... we arrived to number 17 being called but were assured it was moving fast... Ahh right...
Bridget and the kids immediately went to the pile of "bay cliff clothing" for sale and picked out a few things, including some Packer T-shirts on sale (The UP is Packer Country). Then they noticed that they were showing pictures of the summers events on the movie screen. There was Donovan, in the Big Bay 4th of July Parade, in his wagon, with his hand on his chin, looking bored..... Still a great pick of him being patient and waiting for the excitement...
Number 23 and 24........
Sooo the kids went from watching pictures to going out and playing on the basketball court to just wondering around. Then Emma came back excited saying she say Donovan by his cabin and he looked good! It was cool seeing her so excited and needing to tell us.
Number 43 and 44...
The anticipation grew!
I asked Ricky to go let Buster out of the car so he got a break and give Ricky something to do....
Now Ricky is Donovan's best friend. I can't say enough how wonderful this 16 year old young man is with our son. Forever patient, forever willing to do what ever Donovan wants (he played 4 hours of Monopoly today with Donovan) and always putting Donovan's needs first. He carried him Piggy Back Style at Pictured Rocks, when the walk and climbing got to be too much for D. All the Johnson boys are great with D, but Ricky is especially attentive and supportive.
Number 57 and 58......
Ahhhhh the wait........ Kids are getting anxious and bored... Hanging on Bridget and I.... Me to the kids... "Behave and go play on the basketball court.... quick picking on each other" in the mean time, Carl is trying to be mister funny man and everyone is trying to be patient....
Number 61 and 62....
Seven weeks....Life has been crazy this summer... As I've mentioned before a summer of transition. Donovan gone for 7 weeks, Emma gone two weeks at two summer camps, me gone to help out on the farm for three weeks, and Bridget home with one or two kids (and a dog) alone sooo much, holding down the fort. All this time away from everyone made me think of John Adams.
Ok, I'm a history buff and love the book about how John Adams was the key person in founding our country. I thought of this often as he spent years away from his wife and kids, working to get our country off the ground after we declared our independence. At one time he was raising money for our country to fight the British, and spent 9 years in France and Holland, while his wife took care of their farm and raised the kids. He had a strong wife who made it happen, much the way Bridget attends to all the details of our kids and Donovan's medical, education and emotional needs.
Number 65 and 66
God, our kids are lucky to have such a wonderful and relentless Mom. Donovan wouldn't even be at Bay Cliff if it weren't for super hero, "Research Queen" Mom Bridget. When she wants something done, she makes it happen, and NO ONE will deny her.... If they know what's good for them... :)
Number 68......
Ok... Paper work.. Check.... Check book.... Check... Kids assigned a spot outside to be ready to meet Donovan...check....
Number 69....
Bridget and I walk into the office and finalize the paperwork. There is Karen, who is the assistant director, big smile on her face and giving us wonderful words of how well Donovan did and can they have him again next summer! Bridget and both indicate "we'll see" and try to hurry through the process and the next thing you know we hear, "Donovan Lassig, come see your family" over the loud speakers, as we walk outside...........
I could attempt to write everything I felt for the next few moments as we saw Donovan from afar, getting up and using his crutches to walk to us, the screaming boy ahead of Donovan, who yelled, "Mommy I missed you so much" as his Mom ran to him crying and grabbing him....
Me trying to stay composed and try to tell but here are a few pics that tell the story until I can figure out how to get the video I took uploaded so you can see for yourself.... Impossible to describe what it is like to see you child of 9 years after 7 weeks....
After the reunion it was time to visit Donovan's therapists...
Christy was Donovan's PT and the person Bridget talked to when she first made that fateful call two years ago to learn about Bay Cliff. Can't say enough about this young lady who spent so much time with us answering all our questions and concerns and comforting us that Bay Cliff would take great care of our Donovan and he would have a great time. Her manerisms and patience with all our questions about how he did, what we needed to do to keep his progress going (ok, Bridget's questions,,,, I just listened and asked an occasional question..) was amazing.
We were once again reminded we made the right decision and that the staff of Bay Cliff were a God Send....
Our next visit was with Miss Kim, his speech path. Again, all the time we wanted she spent with us telling us of all the adventures and progress Donovan made. Her telling us how Donovan continued the "Spanish Speaking game" of who would speak English first. The person who spoke English first would loose. If Donovan won, he got candy for his camp counselor, Miss Laura, and if he lost, he had to give hugs to everyone at camp.
We then went to lunch in "The Big House" of kid friendly food!
Once we were done with lunch we got through the final medical check and we were on our way to the final check out and gathering his stuff from his cabin. Everyone chipped in to carry all his stuff to the truck. His cabin counsilor and Miss Emmy were our final goodbys.... They repeated the request for Donovan to come back next year and how much they really enjoyed having Donovan in their charge. These two young ladies were very sweet and kind. Miss Emmy was very patient and great at talking with Bridget (especially the first week or two) to reassure us Donovan was doing well.
It is late and I have lot's more to say but I'm pooped. The following are a few picks I want to share and you can read into them your self. We will continue this blog as I'm sure Bridget will want to share...
We are tremendously blessed and lucky to have such a strong and happy child in Donovan. I'm not sure it comes through in the video, but I could tell he worked very hard not to cry as he was hugged first by Emma and then the rest of the kids. It was very touching and humbling to see how much love and support his brother, sister and cousins gave him in those short moments before life moved on. How Carl reached for Bridget to give her a comforting hug as she teared up after giving Donovan a hug and Donovan gave me my hug after seven weeks.
God graced us with many supportive and loving family and friends that carried us through this current chapter of the journey and will continue to be our anchor in the storm of life. But as the old saying goes, life is about leaving port and setting sail for the horizon, not being safe and letting the boat sitting idle in the tide at the mooring... Thank you again to all of you.........
We met at the Thunder Bay Inn after Bridget picked up Emma at Camp. It was good seeing everyone pile out of the Suburban as we met to coordinate our pickup. Everyone was excited to be together, and to share in this experience. I was very at peace after a wonderful drive the night before and cool experience with the staff the the Inn. Reality quickly kicked in as Emma and Carl started bickering and Buster (on a new dog food diet) made a significant deposit on the lawn I had to pick up with a plastic garbage bag. Gives a whole new meaning to the the question paper or plastic....
With no garbage can in site, I put the "Buster Gift" in the trunk of the car and we headed to Bay Cliff. As we drove through check in and we got our number 69, we found out later that people were lining up at 6am so they could be first in when they opened the doors at 10am. Hence the large number even though we arrived at 10:30.
We got ourselves organized and walked through the gates with much anticipation and very squirrely kids. When we arrived at the welcome center, we learned that they called your number and you went through a check out process. Once complete, they announced the campers name to "come on down" to meet the parents. Well... we arrived to number 17 being called but were assured it was moving fast... Ahh right...
Patiently waiting.... |
The waiting area... |
Bridget and the kids immediately went to the pile of "bay cliff clothing" for sale and picked out a few things, including some Packer T-shirts on sale (The UP is Packer Country). Then they noticed that they were showing pictures of the summers events on the movie screen. There was Donovan, in the Big Bay 4th of July Parade, in his wagon, with his hand on his chin, looking bored..... Still a great pick of him being patient and waiting for the excitement...
Number 23 and 24........
Sooo the kids went from watching pictures to going out and playing on the basketball court to just wondering around. Then Emma came back excited saying she say Donovan by his cabin and he looked good! It was cool seeing her so excited and needing to tell us.
Number 43 and 44...
The anticipation grew!
I asked Ricky to go let Buster out of the car so he got a break and give Ricky something to do....
Now Ricky is Donovan's best friend. I can't say enough how wonderful this 16 year old young man is with our son. Forever patient, forever willing to do what ever Donovan wants (he played 4 hours of Monopoly today with Donovan) and always putting Donovan's needs first. He carried him Piggy Back Style at Pictured Rocks, when the walk and climbing got to be too much for D. All the Johnson boys are great with D, but Ricky is especially attentive and supportive.
At Pictured Rocks.. Best Buds... |
Ahhhhh the wait........ Kids are getting anxious and bored... Hanging on Bridget and I.... Me to the kids... "Behave and go play on the basketball court.... quick picking on each other" in the mean time, Carl is trying to be mister funny man and everyone is trying to be patient....
Number 61 and 62....
Seven weeks....Life has been crazy this summer... As I've mentioned before a summer of transition. Donovan gone for 7 weeks, Emma gone two weeks at two summer camps, me gone to help out on the farm for three weeks, and Bridget home with one or two kids (and a dog) alone sooo much, holding down the fort. All this time away from everyone made me think of John Adams.
Ok, I'm a history buff and love the book about how John Adams was the key person in founding our country. I thought of this often as he spent years away from his wife and kids, working to get our country off the ground after we declared our independence. At one time he was raising money for our country to fight the British, and spent 9 years in France and Holland, while his wife took care of their farm and raised the kids. He had a strong wife who made it happen, much the way Bridget attends to all the details of our kids and Donovan's medical, education and emotional needs.
Number 65 and 66
God, our kids are lucky to have such a wonderful and relentless Mom. Donovan wouldn't even be at Bay Cliff if it weren't for super hero, "Research Queen" Mom Bridget. When she wants something done, she makes it happen, and NO ONE will deny her.... If they know what's good for them... :)
In the Physical Therapy Gym |
Ok... Paper work.. Check.... Check book.... Check... Kids assigned a spot outside to be ready to meet Donovan...check....
Number 69....
Bridget and I walk into the office and finalize the paperwork. There is Karen, who is the assistant director, big smile on her face and giving us wonderful words of how well Donovan did and can they have him again next summer! Bridget and both indicate "we'll see" and try to hurry through the process and the next thing you know we hear, "Donovan Lassig, come see your family" over the loud speakers, as we walk outside...........
I could attempt to write everything I felt for the next few moments as we saw Donovan from afar, getting up and using his crutches to walk to us, the screaming boy ahead of Donovan, who yelled, "Mommy I missed you so much" as his Mom ran to him crying and grabbing him....
Me trying to stay composed and try to tell but here are a few pics that tell the story until I can figure out how to get the video I took uploaded so you can see for yourself.... Impossible to describe what it is like to see you child of 9 years after 7 weeks....
Here he comes!!! |
Mom's hug!! |
Already telling stories! |
Christy was Donovan's PT and the person Bridget talked to when she first made that fateful call two years ago to learn about Bay Cliff. Can't say enough about this young lady who spent so much time with us answering all our questions and concerns and comforting us that Bay Cliff would take great care of our Donovan and he would have a great time. Her manerisms and patience with all our questions about how he did, what we needed to do to keep his progress going (ok, Bridget's questions,,,, I just listened and asked an occasional question..) was amazing.
We were once again reminded we made the right decision and that the staff of Bay Cliff were a God Send....
Donovan Showing us how he can walk without his crutches and Christy coaching him through it! |
Our next visit was with Miss Kim, his speech path. Again, all the time we wanted she spent with us telling us of all the adventures and progress Donovan made. Her telling us how Donovan continued the "Spanish Speaking game" of who would speak English first. The person who spoke English first would loose. If Donovan won, he got candy for his camp counselor, Miss Laura, and if he lost, he had to give hugs to everyone at camp.
Teaching us a camp song... |
Hotdogs! |
Miss Emmy on the left and D's Cabin Counsilor on the right. My bad I can' | t remember her name. |
It is late and I have lot's more to say but I'm pooped. The following are a few picks I want to share and you can read into them your self. We will continue this blog as I'm sure Bridget will want to share...
Carl gets his hug..... |
We are tremendously blessed and lucky to have such a strong and happy child in Donovan. I'm not sure it comes through in the video, but I could tell he worked very hard not to cry as he was hugged first by Emma and then the rest of the kids. It was very touching and humbling to see how much love and support his brother, sister and cousins gave him in those short moments before life moved on. How Carl reached for Bridget to give her a comforting hug as she teared up after giving Donovan a hug and Donovan gave me my hug after seven weeks.
My first hug after 7 weeks... See Carl in the background comforting Bridget..... |
God graced us with many supportive and loving family and friends that carried us through this current chapter of the journey and will continue to be our anchor in the storm of life. But as the old saying goes, life is about leaving port and setting sail for the horizon, not being safe and letting the boat sitting idle in the tide at the mooring... Thank you again to all of you.........
Waiting for Christy in the PT gym... |
Cousins...... |
Chatting on the way to the speech cabin... |
Before Camp..Ready for the challenge |
After Camp.. a little wiser and a little more grown up... |
Saturday, August 3, 2013
T-Minus 2 hours and counting.....
Well I'm staying at the Thunder Bay Inn, in a room right out to the 50's. Very cool place with a great staff. The owner wouldn't stay up late enough to check me in so she left me a note to tell me my room number, with a old time key in the door, and asked me to lock up after I arrived.
The Inn has a history as does Big Bay... The Jimmy Stewart movie, "The Anatomy of a Murder" was filmed here in the UP. It is based on the book by a Michigan Judge, who wrote about the only murder in Big Bay's history, that occurred at the Lumber Jack Tavern, which is down the street from the Inn. The World Premier of the Movie was held in Marquette, and through those efforts, Bay Cliff raised the $10,000 that kept it in business.
Funny how a Murder led to the saving of Bay Cliff, through a movie by Jimmy Stewart....
One hour and 45 minutes until I get a patented Donovan morning hug I haven't had in 7 weeks!!!
My note from Gretchen the Proprietor! |
Funny how a Murder led to the saving of Bay Cliff, through a movie by Jimmy Stewart....
One hour and 45 minutes until I get a patented Donovan morning hug I haven't had in 7 weeks!!!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
36 and counting...
As Bridget put it, 36 hours until our hug. We got a post card from Donovan telling us about his camping and fishing and how he wants to go camping with us. Can't wait to see his eyes and reaction when he sees his welcome home party of the Johnson cousins! Not to mention Bridget's hard work to plan out a week of full time fun!
T minus 3 days and counting....
Doesn't seem possible but I was telling the "Donovan 2013 Story" tonight and we are so close to seeing him in sooooo long. Can't express how much pride I have in him.... I want to capture pictures and yet just want to enjoy the moment of reuniting with him and watching the events fold as our family is one again.....
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Less than a week to go!
All reports from the north land of Bay Cliff is that Donovan is doing very well. We are making final preparations to get our boy home with all the pomp and circumstance as possible. Bridget had a long talk with two of D's counselors, and we are very excited with the progress he is making and that he is having fun.
We received a postcard and a couple of letters from D telling us great news of adventures and fun. Sleeping under the stars, frog hunts, fishing expeditions, jumping into the pool, by himself, for the first time! etc...
It will be a challenging week as I'm heading back to Wisconsin to help my parents on Tuesday and I will meet up with Bridget and Carl in Marquette on Friday or Saturday, as we collect Emma from a Youth Camp in Munising and Donovan from Bay Cliff.
Another crazy week in a summer of them. Only this one has a wonderful happy home coming!
Can't wait to hear Donovan yell down the stairs,,,, MMMMOOOOOMMMMMMM........DDDDAAAAADDDDD!!
We received a postcard and a couple of letters from D telling us great news of adventures and fun. Sleeping under the stars, frog hunts, fishing expeditions, jumping into the pool, by himself, for the first time! etc...
It will be a challenging week as I'm heading back to Wisconsin to help my parents on Tuesday and I will meet up with Bridget and Carl in Marquette on Friday or Saturday, as we collect Emma from a Youth Camp in Munising and Donovan from Bay Cliff.
Another crazy week in a summer of them. Only this one has a wonderful happy home coming!
Can't wait to hear Donovan yell down the stairs,,,, MMMMOOOOOMMMMMMM........DDDDAAAAADDDDD!!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Donovan Letter #6 - "2"
The significance is mild..... Two kids I'm trying to get up (Bridget is at the Farmers Market), 2 dogs running around my feet (we are taking care of Victor, our neighbors dog), Dos rounds of The Open are left to enjoy with my coffee this weekend (love getting up and having golf with my coffee), and
Oh and two weeks to figure out our schedule to get up there, get back and determine how we celebrate his home coming! We still have the yellow smiley face balloons floating around our house from when he came home from MaryFreeBed (MFB), as is the big poster of him we used for a fund raiser for The Equest Center. Can you believe he started riding horses at 18 months old and now he is 9 years old....
Lots to do.......... Emma is going to a camp in the UP for a week so the last week of July we will be down to Carl in the house, and he has football camp that week so he'll be gone half the days that week. House to get in order, gardens going crazy, a another trip to the farm next week, start planning on stuff for the fall, soccer practices for Carl, Emma is joining her middle school "Crew" team (rowing)..... Getting Donovan ready to go back to school and catch up on reading, writing, math, etc....
We got a post card from Donovan last week telling us he is having fun and making progress. His counselor wrote that they went fishing, frog hunting, and biking.... The picture above is from the Bay Cliff Facebook page. When they raise their hands everyone is suppose to settle down. Bridget figures D is scolding someone to be quiet... I concur based on his facial expression!
Donovan is changing so much at this age. I was showing my dad pictures of Donovan from when we visited them in December and when he came home from MFB. The change is significant. Most of it is due to his braces and the impact it had on his face, but he is also growing up, both physically and emotionally. Guess you notice it more with your last born.
With Carl and Emma, you noticed but we also had Donovan to fall back on having a little guy, so the impact wasn't as great. I'm curious, excited and a little nervous to see the 7 week change. Not only the growing up part, but mainly the progress in his therapy. This was a lot to put him and our family through (although you'd never know it by talking to Carl and Emma), and we have to manage our expectations......
D's doctor, Dr. Forness (wonderful doc and person), said it will take a full year to recover, so even though we say great progress, much improvement in his walk and gait before he left, we want to be sure we don't expect too much from camp.
That's the final "Too"......... Maybe more significant than I thought...
![]() |
What do you suppose he is saying? |
Lots to do.......... Emma is going to a camp in the UP for a week so the last week of July we will be down to Carl in the house, and he has football camp that week so he'll be gone half the days that week. House to get in order, gardens going crazy, a another trip to the farm next week, start planning on stuff for the fall, soccer practices for Carl, Emma is joining her middle school "Crew" team (rowing)..... Getting Donovan ready to go back to school and catch up on reading, writing, math, etc....
We got a post card from Donovan last week telling us he is having fun and making progress. His counselor wrote that they went fishing, frog hunting, and biking.... The picture above is from the Bay Cliff Facebook page. When they raise their hands everyone is suppose to settle down. Bridget figures D is scolding someone to be quiet... I concur based on his facial expression!
Donovan is changing so much at this age. I was showing my dad pictures of Donovan from when we visited them in December and when he came home from MFB. The change is significant. Most of it is due to his braces and the impact it had on his face, but he is also growing up, both physically and emotionally. Guess you notice it more with your last born.
With Carl and Emma, you noticed but we also had Donovan to fall back on having a little guy, so the impact wasn't as great. I'm curious, excited and a little nervous to see the 7 week change. Not only the growing up part, but mainly the progress in his therapy. This was a lot to put him and our family through (although you'd never know it by talking to Carl and Emma), and we have to manage our expectations......
D's doctor, Dr. Forness (wonderful doc and person), said it will take a full year to recover, so even though we say great progress, much improvement in his walk and gait before he left, we want to be sure we don't expect too much from camp.
That's the final "Too"......... Maybe more significant than I thought...
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Donovan Letters #5....
I haven't been home much since dropping you off and it just adds to the "weirdness" of this summer. I've been away more than at home. Mom received another card from you with a little more description of you activities for the week. You talked of frog hunting (slimy frogs), swimming and going on the deep end, the 4th of July parade, playing with your friends, all under the context of having fun!
Can't wait to see you. 23 days, 5 hours, 51 minutes and 30 seconds, 29, 28, 27.....
This will always be known for me as the "Transition Summer". Someday I'll tell you why it is that, but I have to process it all a little more before I can talk about it in a single blog post. I'm just glad you are having fun, learning, working hard, and enjoying mom's care packages with your friends.
Nana and Papa ask how you are doing all the time. I've been spending time with them this summer to help out with the farm and around the house. This is the last summer Papa is going to make hay and grow oats. Transitions....
Did I tell you I miss you.....
I haven't been home much since dropping you off and it just adds to the "weirdness" of this summer. I've been away more than at home. Mom received another card from you with a little more description of you activities for the week. You talked of frog hunting (slimy frogs), swimming and going on the deep end, the 4th of July parade, playing with your friends, all under the context of having fun!
Can't wait to see you. 23 days, 5 hours, 51 minutes and 30 seconds, 29, 28, 27.....
This will always be known for me as the "Transition Summer". Someday I'll tell you why it is that, but I have to process it all a little more before I can talk about it in a single blog post. I'm just glad you are having fun, learning, working hard, and enjoying mom's care packages with your friends.
Nana and Papa ask how you are doing all the time. I've been spending time with them this summer to help out with the farm and around the house. This is the last summer Papa is going to make hay and grow oats. Transitions....
Did I tell you I miss you.....
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Donovan Letter #4....
It's Tuesday, July 2nd and I'm in my chair thinking of D as Carl and Emma play on the tramp, Buster is jumping around them barking and Bridget is walking around her gardens, seeing how they grow. No cockle shells required...
We got another post card from Donovan with funny stuff, a phone call from Erin, a phone call from the Bay Cliff staff and several other interactions reassuring us D is doing well. God continues to provide us with little signs of reassurance that He, and all our family who have joined him, are watching over Donovan with great care.
When I got off the ferry in Ludington last Friday night to start the last leg of my journey home, a rainbow formed over the highway as I entered the ramp to get on it. Sunday, at church, Bridget was praying for Donovan after receiving communion, and a clown (dressed up in full rainbow color attire) walked down the aisle next to us to receive communion too! (The church was celebrating their summer festival) Emma, Corinne and Aunt Julie Kaboolie saw lots of rainbows on the PALM ride during the week.
All the reassurance in the world doesn't change how odd I feel, or how much Bridget misses our D. A friend of mine called today to ask we are doing. I said we are fine, etc. etc. but it is the most unsettling summer I can recall. I just feel weird.
A large part of it is Donovan being gone (almost three weeks now), my dad announcing this is the last year he will make hay and oats on the farm (we are leasing out the remainder next year), the maturing of Carl and Emma, as they have stepped it up since Donovan left, and the realization that none of our kids are little any more.
Of course it could be too that I watched two Adam Sandler movies with my kids and they are getting most of the humor now. Happy Gilmor and Grownups. Just doesn't seem right!
Oh well..... Life transitions ....
We got another post card from Donovan with funny stuff, a phone call from Erin, a phone call from the Bay Cliff staff and several other interactions reassuring us D is doing well. God continues to provide us with little signs of reassurance that He, and all our family who have joined him, are watching over Donovan with great care.
When I got off the ferry in Ludington last Friday night to start the last leg of my journey home, a rainbow formed over the highway as I entered the ramp to get on it. Sunday, at church, Bridget was praying for Donovan after receiving communion, and a clown (dressed up in full rainbow color attire) walked down the aisle next to us to receive communion too! (The church was celebrating their summer festival) Emma, Corinne and Aunt Julie Kaboolie saw lots of rainbows on the PALM ride during the week.
All the reassurance in the world doesn't change how odd I feel, or how much Bridget misses our D. A friend of mine called today to ask we are doing. I said we are fine, etc. etc. but it is the most unsettling summer I can recall. I just feel weird.
A large part of it is Donovan being gone (almost three weeks now), my dad announcing this is the last year he will make hay and oats on the farm (we are leasing out the remainder next year), the maturing of Carl and Emma, as they have stepped it up since Donovan left, and the realization that none of our kids are little any more.
Of course it could be too that I watched two Adam Sandler movies with my kids and they are getting most of the humor now. Happy Gilmor and Grownups. Just doesn't seem right!
Oh well..... Life transitions ....
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