Donovan on his new bike

Donovan on his new bike
Thank you Mary Free Bed "Bikes for the Rest of Us"

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Waiting in Prep?  Wii Time!

Slowing down from the meds..... Never Give Up Though!
Well here we go again...

You can tell we are getting too use to these visits as this is the first posting and Donovan is already in surgery.  This trip is our 2nd with Dr. Fornes, wonderful man and doctor, to remove the hardware from D's surgery 16 months ago.

In both hips......

As usual, D was his old self, up to the moment he fell asleep in OR, dancing (ok wiggling a little) as the Nurse tell's Donovan as he breathes in, he might feel like he is flying.  I noticed that the tape they are using on his IV has balloons (D has loved balloons since early on and was his first word he verbalized) so somehow he said the word "slushy" (they are free here at the children's hospital, and on every floor, so we determine he will be a super hero, with a SB on his chest, signifying his Slushy Balloon Super Hero status as he flies across the land saving the world.

Next thing I know I'm taking off the gear and sitting in the waiting room, trying to get busy..... Thank God for blogs....

Random things...

Last night we started packing and preparing and Donovan's instructor from Church, Tim, who's son Drew has similar surgery this Friday, called because he wanted to talk with D and pray with him.  So Bridget and Donovan faced time with them last night and the two kids were comparing scars over the using facetime!

Emma had crew last night and Donovan had an eye appointment, so the usual busy time so on the journey home Donovan asked if Emma and Carl could skip school and go with him to the hospital. So here we sit (Emma and Me) and here we pace (Bridget and Carl are walking around) waiting as I watch the Patient Board (D is #5549 and in surgery) while we wait.


Donovan wanted us to know that since he could not eat this morning that when his surgery is done he wants 10 pieces of pizza and 10 slushies (did i mention his fixation on slushies) because he was going to be very hungry when he woke up.  The Children's hospital has a great pizza place in the lobby and Bridget brings the kids here occasionally because they like the pizza so much.  Donovan made sure every nurse and doctor knew he was going to slushies and pizza.

As usual i'm always amazed at how brave and unfazed D is with all the poking, prodding and hospital stays we've been through.  He does have his moments of concern and being scared, but Bridget patiently and wonderfully talks him through his fears, and reassures him all will be well.  D is very lucky to have such a great Mom.  Carl and Emma always chip in to comfort him and Carl usually does something goofy to get D to laugh, and the next thing you know they are back to their video games and all is normal.

Although I will say, he is very happy that this will be his last surgery.  He had that patented D smile on his very drugged up face when we left for OR and Bridget told him last time!  Good....  As we left the prep room for the OR, we asked him...

"who do you want to go to with you to the next room... Mom or Dad"?  His response..."The Wii"!! with a big grin on his face.  They had a Wii in the prep room and Carl and D were playing it.  When we finally answered the question, again it was the original Donovan answer.  "D" "A" "D"..... So I put on scrubs and off we went.  He laughed his way all the to the OR "wwwweeeeeee" as the Nurse pushed his bed and I walked along side of him and the nurse made a reference to flying.....

When we entered the OR, they have a heated air mattress on the OR Table he thought was very cool.  "Dad, can I have one for my bed at home".... When I said I would think about it, his response was... "bed at home, bed at home, bed at home....."

We moved him to the table and the Slushie Balloon super hero conversation ensued, and he smiled the whole time and trying to do his Donovan dance and giggling when someone said something funny, and then he was asleep.

Just heard, 2:23 and the one side is done already!!!! Wow only twenty minutes for the first side.  Dr. Forness said normally 45 minutes to an hour... God is blessing us today....

Well, I'm signing off for now.  Don't want to revisit my emotions from this morning when i woke up......

Last thought.... the staff here at the Children's Hospital is wonderful

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