It was a rough night with Donovan waking often and having the falling sensation. This morning he is doing much better and in good spirits. Dr. Skarli stopped by and thinks everything is related to the medications, so after having the epidural reduced for the last 24 hours they removed it this morning as well as the catheter and other assorted tubes! Yeah!
There have been numerous nurses, occupational and physical therapists stopping by to evaluate Donovan's progress and asses his capabilities. They raised his bed to it's highest level to date and

He has been interactive with us and the staff (playing boo with Dad) and watching a few shows. Donovan was very excited to open a present from Aunt Julie, an etch-a-sketch, and has been playing with it since. He was also very happy this morning to see a new poster Emma made him to put up in his room. Monkey and Puppy are hanging out with him, and he did very well, little complaints, as our nurse changed his bed.
If all goes well we will be moved to Mary Free Bed tomorrow or Saturday. Donovan needs to start eating and drinking regularly, and going to the bathroom. So overall, things are going well, he is in good spirits mood and would enjoy having a few visitors today. Just give mom or dad a call and let us know when you would like to come.
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