Donovan on his new bike

Donovan on his new bike
Thank you Mary Free Bed "Bikes for the Rest of Us"

Monday, June 17, 2013

Donovan's ok : from Bridget

> So we're about 30 minutes out from dropping Donovan off at camp. I
> pretty much can't stop crying. I know we made the right decision but
> i also doubt our decision. donovan was upset when we left and i
> couldn't talk him through to feeling better because I knew I would
> start crying too. We left him in the hands of Erin, the amazing OT
> that visited him in Mary Free Bed and his cabin leader. About 25
> miles down the road, no more napkins or kleenex left in the car and we
> crest a hill to a rainbow! You have to zoom in the photo but you can
> see it arching right over the road.
> For any of you that remember The rainbows the week of Kevin's passing
> and have read Heaven Is For Real, you'll understand why I have peace
> now that we did do the right thing by having Bay Cliff guide him
> through this next phase of his rehab.

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